Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stella's Fish Cafe adds second rooftop--accessibility, overall point unknown.

We live in a nation where the concept of “more” is often perceived as being synonymous with “better”. A Minnesotan need not look further than the gluttonous freak show that is the State Fair for damning evidence of this. It is in this patriotic vein it would seem that Stella’s Fish Café has added a superfluous second roof.

I was at ADP’s favorite Uptown, suburbanite-laden meat market on Sunday night after essentially a summer-long hiatus. After buying my drinks on the main level (note: 2-for-1s do not apply upstairs), I ventured up to the rooftop anticipating the usual overcrowding and permeating aroma of Parliament Lights. What I discovered however, was much more bewildering: a second rooftop. This new construction rests directly above the bar area, and at first blush looked to be open to all patrons, although I later walked by and it was roped off, so who knows. I pray it isn’t some new “VIP” section, because the last thing that Henn.-Lake needs are more Jaegered-up idiots in True Religion jeans who feel more important than they are.

If I had to guess, I would surmise that this is some sort of response to the new rooftop competition across the street, by way of Cafeteria. It could also have something to do with $100-minimum-to-sit-upstairsgate. Honestly, I enjoy a good rooftop as much as the next guy, but at some point this much piling on just breeds vertigo, which is not something that traditionally bodes well with alcohol.

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